
Everybody loves a bright white smile, and there are a variety of products and procedures available to help you improve the look of yours. Many people are satisfied with the sparkle they get from daily oral hygiene and regular cleanings at your dentist’s office, but if you decide you would like to go beyond this to make your smile look brighter, you should investigate all of your whitening options.
If you are a candidate for whitening there are two ways to whiten your smile:
1.     In-office bleaching. This procedure is called chairside bleaching and usually requires only one office visit. The dentist will apply either a protective gel to your gums or a rubber shield to protect the oral soft tissues. A bleaching agent is then applied to the teeth, and a special light may be used. Lasers have been used during tooth whitening procedures to enhance the action of the whitening agent.

2.     At-home bleaching. Peroxide-containing whiteners actually bleach the tooth enamel. They typically come in a gel and are placed in a mouthguard. Usage regimens vary. There are potential side effects, such as increased sensitivity or gum irritation. Speak with your dentist if you have any concerns.

الجميع يحب ابتسامة ناصعة البياض. بعض الناس يكتفون ببياض الأسنان بعد إزالة الرواسب الجيرية وتلميع الأسنان. لكن إذا قررت آنك تريد ابتسامة أكثر بياضاً وإشراقاً، إذا أنت بحاجة لتبييض أسنان. تبييض الأسنان هو ببساطة  إزالة الصبغات الداخلية والخارجية للأسنان عن طريق جل يوضع على الأسنان ويتم تصليت ضوء من نوع خاص أو ليزر يقوم بتحسين وتسريع عملية التبييض. وقد تحتاج الى جلسة تببيض واحدة أو اثنتين على الأكثر للوصول الى اللون المطلوب.