Zirconia Crowns

Zirconium is becoming one of the most chosen materials for dental crowns. It has many advantages including:
·        Extraordinarily tough.
·        Translucent enough to be similar to natural teeth.
·        Less tooth removal.
·        No Metal.
·        Modifiable size, shape, and color.
·        Biocompatible.
The aesthetic effects alone of a zirconia crown should be the biggest advantage it can give. It is important that you have dental crowns that look natural especially if they will be placed at the front teeth and will be visible beside the natural teeth.
Zirconia manufacturers are now producing and designing dental crowns custom milled from solid block of the material and baked at ultra-high temperatures to ensure that the finished crowns are almost indestructible.
The fact that this material is biocompatible means that it is safe to stay within your mouth for a long time. There is no need to worry about any adverse reactions from your body because it is not rejected by the human body.
Advantages of Zirconium Crowns over Gold Crowns and Porcelain Crowns
It is a fact that gold crowns have been used by many people for so many years and it is well tolerated by the body. But it is still better to be able to show that natural effect when you smile. Add the fact that gold is metal and some people just do not like having metals in their internal parts.
·        Zirconium crowns are definitely more durable than porcelain crowns. They last longer compared to porcelain that chip and break.
·        Porcelain crowns also need to be fused to a metal base and the metal is that black unsightly line above the gums of people with porcelain crowns.

·        Since Zirconium crowns are milled from a chunk of crystal, they are guaranteed to be at least 5 times stronger than porcelain and it metal fuse. Zirconium crowns also provide strength without that bulky appearance that porcelain is so known for.

تيجان الزركونيا من أكثر المواد               لصناعة تيجان الأسنان وهذا لعدة أسباب:
‌أ.        الصلابة العالية.
‌ب.   الشفافية الكافية لتماثل شفافية الأسنان الطبيعية.
‌ج.    تحافظ على السن حيث أنها تتطلب إزالة نسيج سنى أقل وذلك لسمكها الرفيع.
‌د.       لا تحتوى على معدن كما تيجان البورسلين العادية المكونة من طبقتي المعدن والبورسلين. ويعطى هذا جمالاً طبيعياً حيث لا يظهر لون المعدن الرمادى والذى يعطى لوناً أغمق لاللثة.
‌ه.       يسهل التحكم فى شكلها وحجمها ولونها.
‌و.      متوافقة مع انسجت الجسم وبالتاى لا تؤدى إلى أي إلتهابات.
تتكون تيجان الزركونيا من طبقة واحدة. أما تيجان البورسلين فإنها تتكون من طبقتين، المعدن والبورسلين. و قد تتغرض تتجان البورسلين للكسر وظهور المعدن، فتفقد شكلها ووظيفتها